Fairview Junior High

October 10th, 2019

Javelin Contest - Cancelled today and has been postponed till next week.

Girls Soccer – Out team defeated Grammar school yesterday in tough match. Heidi score the winner and Julia had the shut out.  Girls there will be no practice tomorrow due to conflicts. Girls will practice Tuesday at lunch. Girls play in the final Wednesday.

Cross Country - There will be a very brief meeting at the lunch bell for the cross country team in the gym. HRCE Citadel Zone Cross Country Meet will be tomorrow.

Yearbook Committee - There will be a very short meeting at the beginning of lunch today in Ms. Caracristi’s room (#109).

WE Group - Students attending WE Day can come to the Sewing Room at the beginning of lunch today to prepare t-shirts and signs for WE Day.

Battle of the Books – There will be a meeting today at 12:30 pm in room 106. 

Culture Club – There will be a meeting with Mr. Scott today at 12:30 pm in room 118.

Vending Machine – Students please notice that the school is not responsible for the vending machine operations. The machine does not work properly, so use it your own risk.

Thanksgiving – Monday – no school. 

Pictures Re-Take -  Will be on Wednesday, October 16.