Fairview Junior High

February 25th, 2020

Trivia questions –This is our last week for trivia. Today’s question: In what year did the Halifax North Memorial Public Library began Black History month programming?
Bring your answers to the office. The winners will be announced on Friday. There will be prizes.


Art Project - Art students, please bring in your 'found objects' for this week's Art activity.


Badminton – There will be a practice today for junior team during the lunch time. Intermediate badminton practice will be on Thursday at lunch.


Boys Basketball - There will be game today after school against Central. We need to score keepers this game. If you want to score keep for basketball, see Mr. Gallagher today.


Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals – Will be running every Wednesday during lunch time from 12:25 pm to 1:00 pm starting tomorrow. There will be an opportunity for 18 students to sign up to play every week. See Mr. Troy in guidance area to sign up.


Frost Fest – is on rolling. Today is our Crazy Hair Day, and tomorrow we’re having Jersey Day.


Girls Basketball – Please return your uniforms to Ms. K-V by the end of the week.


Registration Forms – Reminder Grade 7s & 7s students to bring registration forms to the office ASAP. They should be completed and signed by your parents.