Fairview Junior High

June 14th, 2022

Headstrong Summit – There will be a follow up meeting today during lunch time in room
# 104.


Boat Cruise Permission Forms – Attention Grade 9s students going to the Boat Cruise tomorrow – please bring permission forms signed by your parents to your home room teacher. Deadline is tomorrow morning.


Donations - this week we are collecting non-perishable food and for two weeks we will be collecting clothes. There will be a prize of 30 donuts donated by Lacewood Tim Horton’s for the homeroom with the most non-perishable food collected!   


Freezies Sale - There will be another FREEZIES sale tomorrow at lunch. Proceeds from that sale will go to Feed Nova Scotia.


Chromebooks – All the chromebooks and chargers must be returned to school by June 21. Students please check your houses and bring everything back to school by next week.