Fairview Junior High

January 28th, 2022

YSpace and GuySpace - The programs are going virtual. YSpace and GuySpace that were offering during your lunch time at school will now be switched to an after school, virtual format until in person programming can be offered again. We will still be talking about any and all social issues you care about – mental health, bullying, self-love, how to be a good friend and more! If you come to the online programming your name gets entered into a draw to win cool prizes like Starbucks and McDonald’s gift cards. You don’t want to miss out! For more information write down your name and email address and a member of the team will reach you out.  Sign-up sheet is available in the office. Deadline to sign up for the program is Monday, January 31, by the end of the day.


School Clothing –Reminder that you have just a weekend to purchase school clothing. Store closes January 31. https://stores.inksoft.com/fairview_junior_high_school/shop/home


Lates and Dismissal – Reminder students, if you you’re coming late or called down for dismissal, you must to check with the office before go to your class or before you leave.


Lost and Found – A watch and Halifax Transit Metro pass were found outside of the school. If you are missing one of these items, please come and check to the office.