Fairview Junior High

June 21st, 2022

National Indigenous Peoples Day – Today is Indigenous Peoples' Day. It is a day to celebrate and honour First Nations and commemorate their histories and cultures. The celebration of Indigenous Peoples' Day took root at an international conference on discrimination sponsored by the United Nations in 1977.


Healthy Eating Trivia – Starting today, we’ll be asking you different questions about food, Submit your answer to the office with your name and homeroom for a chance to win a bag of made local granola bar mix. Today’s question: 
Which fruit or vegetable has the most water content?
• Cucumber
• Watermelon
• Tomato
• Orange
There will be a new question tomorrow.


Basketball - Boys/Girl's basketball game will take place at lunch time this Thursday, June 23. Players please bring your uniforms.


Covid Test Kits – Students, if you need Covid tests kits, please come to the office.