Fairview Junior High

February 27th, 2020

Trivia questions –This is our last day for trivia. Today’s question: This woman was recognized as the first black police officer in North America. Her job was to keep the peace on the wharf at Annapolis Royal. What is her name?
Bring your answers to the office. The winners will be announced tomorrow. There will be prizes.


GirlSpace and GuySpace – There will be a meeting today during lunch time in Ms. Genge’s and Mr. Noble’s rooms (# 112 and # 207).


Ultimate Frisbee Intramurals – Will be running every Wednesday during lunch time from 12:25 pm to 1:00 pm. There will be an opportunity for 18 students to sign up to play every week. See Mr. Troy in guidance area to sign up.


Yearbook Committee – There will be a brief meeting today at lunch. Members who wish to participate in the Halifax West High School yearbook workshop must attend the meeting tomorrow to get their permission slips. 


Yearbook - A reminder to grade nine students to complete their yearbook quotes and surveys before March break.  


Badminton – There will be a practice for an Intermediate badminton team today after school from 3:15 pm to 5:00 pm.


Frost Fest – Last and cozy day tomorrow as it’s PJ Day.


Girls Basketball – Please return your uniforms to Ms. K-V by the end of the week.