September 26th, 2023
Truth and Reconciliation - This week, we are honoring National Truth and Reconciliation. This week is about two big ideas, the first is to honor the victims of Canada's Residential School System, and the second is to educate ourselves on the systemic issues and generational trauma that Indigenous peoples continue to face to this day. Throughout this week we hope you will take the time to think and reflect on Canada's past mistakes as we continue to look for ways to move forward together in harmony.
Did you know, in 2007, The Indian Residential Schools Settlement was created. This agreement was the largest legal group settlement in Canadian History. Part of this agreement was the creation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This group works to help facilitate reconciliation for former students, their families, communities, and all Canadians.
Girls A Volleyball – The team will practice today at lunch hour. Please bring your lunch to the gym.
Boys Soccer – A reminder you have a game today at Tremont Park Field at 4:00PM. Please arrive early and bring your signed form to play, if you have not already handed them in.
Boys Volleyball – Those interested in trying out for the FVJH Boys Volleyball Team must sign up before tomorrow. The sign-up list is in Mr. St, Louis’s room # 201. A pre-tryout meeting will take place on Thursday, September 28, during lunch time in room # 201 regarding tryouts, practices and matches.
Cross-country – We’re running today and Thursday at lunch, rain, or shine. Don’t miss it!
Girls B Volleyball – The team will have their first practice this Friday, September 29, at lunch. All girls are welcome on the team as long as they come to practice.
Lost and Found – Glasses and keys were found. If you lost one of the items or both of them, please check in the office.