September 27th, 2023
Truth and Reconciliation - This week it is important to recognize that one of the things the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has done was to gather stories and evidence over several years to create a history and documentation of the Residential School System in Canada which is now housed in the University of Alberta. When they completed this task in 2015, they made a recommendation of "94 Calls to Action" to help move Canada forward towards reconciliation. One of these calls was to have a day to honor Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. To date, only 13 of these 94 calls to action have been completed, meaning there is still lots of work that needs to be done.
Boys Soccer – Fairview boys played an amazing game yesterday with Kyrkos scoring three goals but came up short losing 5-4 to Sommet. Your next game is tomorrow at 4PM at Glenbourne field.
Boys Volleyball –A pre-tryout meeting will take place tomorrow during lunch time in room
# 201 regarding tryouts, practices and matches.
Cross-country – We’re running tomorrow at lunch, rain, or shine. Don’t miss it!
Girls B Volleyball – The team will have their first practice this Friday, September 29, at lunch. All girls are welcome on the team as long as they come to practice.
Lost and Found – If you lost your lunch bag yesterday, please check at the office.