Daily Announcements - October 10

Student Assembly Committee - There will be a grade 6 & 7 assembly meeting in the library today.

Boys Soccer – There will be an exhibition game today at Tremont Field. 

Picture Orders – If you have your orders to be sent, bring it to the office in a sealed envelope by the end of the day. 

Dungeons and Dragons Club - All grade 8 and 9 students who signed up for D & D club will meet today after school in room # 208. Please see Mr. Kloppenburg if you are unable to attend. Grade 6 and 7 D & D club members will meet next week, Monday, October 21st.

Film Club - Next meeting will be on Thursday in room # 246 at 11:15. 

Poster Contest - Fairview is honoring and remembering the services of those in our military, both past and present, who have fought for the freedoms we enjoy today. If you would like to enter our Remembrance Day poster contest, please turn in an original poster artwork to Ms. Melanson in room 112 with your name and homeroom indicated by November 6th. No late submissions will be accepted. for more details see Ms. Melanson. Thank you for your participation.