Daily Announcements - February 25

Black History Trivia – It is estimated that about 2,000 different languages are spoken on the African continent. Many Africans speak several African languages and also often another ‘European’ language. In many countries, people speak English, French or Portuguese as an additional language, as these languages are often used in official communication and business. English is widely spoken in Africa as many countries were formerly British colonies. Arabic, spoken in northern Africa, is also used in many North African countries as an official language. Swahili, spoken in many Eastern African countries, has the most native speakers in Africa. 


Yearbook - There will be a yearbook meeting today at lunch in Ms. Thompson's room #203. Also a reminder yearbooks are on sale online and are selling out fast. Make sure to go online to purchase your yearbook. 


Grade 9 Picture Day – Attention grade 9s, your picture day will be next Tuesday, March 4th in the Library. Classes will be called down. 


Badminton Practice – Junior badminton practices will start this week: Mondays and Tuesdays – after school, Wednesdays – at lunch. 


Grade 6 Trivia Club – Attention Grade 6s, if you’re interested, sign up for trivia club in Ms. Robertson's room. It will be every Thursday for 5 weeks during second half of lunch (from 11:40 to 12:15pm). Lots of fun with friends and prizes to be won!


Girls and Boys Basketball - We will play a mixed game after school next Thursday, March 6th   bring your uniforms for return. 


Chess Championship - There is an important message regarding the chess championship schedule.  All players are asked to please check Google classroom for this message. 


Student Council – There will be a meeting tomorrow during lunch in Ms. Beaton's room #222. All members please attend. 


Badminton Tournament - is being held tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Students you can sign up for the tournament today the tournament. It's a doubles tournament, you must have a partner It is 2$ per duo. There will be two 'levels' more competitive and less competitive  

Staff members can participate as well.  


Film Club – There will be a meeting on Thursday in room 246 at lunch. 


Bake Sale – There will be a bake sale on Friday, February 28th, during lunch time in the lobby.