Daily Announcements - February 27

Black History Trivia – In 1926 the USA began celebrating Black History with a singular week. Since then, it has grown to a full month and other countries have joined the United States in celebrating Black people and their contribution to our world’s history and culture, including us here in Canada, and now also involves The United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. 


Student Council – There will be a meeting today during lunch in Ms. Beaton's room #222. All members please attend. 


Badminton Tournament – If you signed-up for the tournament, come to the gym today and tomorrow during lunch time.


Film Club – There will be a meeting today in room 246 at lunch. 


Dance Club – Come to join is on our weekly meeting today during lunch time in room # 202. 


Bake Sale – There will be a bake sale tomorrow during lunch time in the lobby. 



Girls and Boys Basketball - We will play a mixed game after school next Thursday, March 6th. Also, bring your uniforms for return.