Daily Announcements - March 4


Chess Championship - The chess championship continues today at lunch in room 223.  If you know you are going to be absent, please let Mr. Burke know either by email, seeing him in his room or posting on Google Classroom so he can re-schedule your matches. 


Talent Show - Students please come to Mrs. Chisholm's room today, at lunch in room 205.


Yearbook Committee – We will meet today at lunch in Ms. Thompson's Room 203. 


Assembly Team - Grade 8 & 9 assembly team is meeting tomorrow at lunch in room 205.


Spirit Week – Tomorrow is Throw Back to Primary Day. 


Intermediate Badminton - Attention, players, your practises this week are tomorrow and Thursday, both at lunch. Please bring your lunch to the gym.


Girls and Boys Basketball - We will play a mixed game after school on Thursday. Also, bring your uniforms for return. 


Dance Club – Thursday’s meeting is cancelled. We will resume our club after March Break.